Camp Form

Class Sign-up

Pre-registration required, no drop ins. 

fill  out  and mail................................................

Please sign me up for Summer Art Classes! July 6 to July 31st, 2015

Check off dates and hours you wish to join Week 1__ Week 2__ Week 3__ Week 4__             

Mornings 10am to 12:30pm________  Ages 9 to 13   

Name of student.................................................................................Age..............................

*Additional student.............................................................................Age..............................


Parent’s name.......................................................Phone #..................................

  Other parent........................................................Phone #..................................

Emergency #(s).....................................................................

Email address_________________________ for confirmation

I’ve enclosed my check $_________made payable to Susan Ticken  

 Send your full payment for one week or a deposit of  $200 for multi-week registration to reserve each students place, balance to be paid at first class. Refunds given only when  cancellation is more than 72 hours prior to class date. Print and fill out form and send to address below

 Send to:   Susan Ticken 1337 Fourth St. San Rafael,   Ca. 94901

            Register before May 1st and take $10.00 off!